Framer vs. Webflow: A Comprehensive Comparison of Two No-Code Website Builders

Framer vs. Webflow: A Comprehensive Comparison of Two No-Code Website Builders
Zlatko Marjanovic
February 15, 2024
Framer vs. Webflow: A Comprehensive Comparison of Two No-Code Website Builders


When it comes to choosing a website builder to create your website, it's crucial to evaluate all the options available to you and consider your own needs and skillsets. There are many factors to consider when building a website, so let's analyze them and find out which option suits you best. Are you inclined towards Webflow or Framer? Let's figure out which one is the ideal choice for you.

In today's digital landscape, creating a strong online presence is crucial for organizations, business brands, and even individuals. To achieve this, having a well-designed and functional website is essential. Two popular no-code website builders that designers and developers often turn to are Framer and Webflow. Both platforms offer powerful features that allow users to create stunning websites without the need for coding skills. In this comprehensive comparison, we will explore the key differences and similarities between Framer and Webflow, helping you decide which platform is best suited for your needs.

Overview of Framer vs Webflow

Framer: Bringing Design to Life with Interactivity and Animation

Framer is an innovative web design tool that empowers designers to build customized websites with a no-code approach. Originally a prototyping tool, Framer has evolved into an all-in-one solution for creating, constructing, and launching websites. With Framer, designers can easily design and prototype website interactions and transitions with minimal coding skills. Framer is an ideal solution if you come from a design background. For example, if you are used to Figma or Sketch, you will easily get along with Framer.

Webflow: Empowering Designers and Developers with Customizable Websites

Webflow is a powerful website design and development platform that offers a range of features to help users create responsive and visually appealing websites. With its user-friendly interface, Webflow allows designers and developers to build websites from scratch or customize pre-built templates as well as use component libraries which are way better than using templates. 

The platform offers extensive integrations with popular tools and services, a built-in content management system, and hosting solutions to ensure websites load quickly and efficiently.
Webflow is an ideal tool if you have a strong background in coding and web development. If you are migrating to webflow from a stack like React or if you understand the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS, webflow is the ideal choice. 

So, brief summary of these paragraphs would be: If you come from a design background, Framer is a great choice and if you are more inclined to development, webflow is a go-to platform.

Framer vs Webflow: Features Comparison

When comparing Framer and Webflow, it's important to consider their key features and capabilities. Let's explore how each platform excels in different areas.

Design Capabilities

Framer: Advanced Animation and Interactive Components

Framer shines in its animation and interactive component capabilities. The platform supports a wide range of visual effects and allows designers to create dynamic animations triggered by user interactions. With Framer Motion, a special React library, designers can create their own animation styles and add interactive components to their designs.

Webflow: Visual CSS Grid and Responsive Design

Webflow offers a visual CSS grid that allows users to create complex grid structures with multiple rows and columns. Designers can adjust the size and spacing of each grid element and add custom breakpoints to optimize the layout for different screen sizes. Webflow also provides responsive design tools, allowing users to create different layouts for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. The platform offers pre-built templates with responsive design in mind, making it easy to create websites optimized for any screen size.

Development Tools

Framer: Code Editor and Custom Integrations

Framer provides a built-in code editor that allows developers to extend the platform's capabilities with standard React and JavaScript. Developers can add basic HTML to the canvas or create fully interactive React components. Framer also supports custom integrations, allowing developers with knowledge of JavaScript and React to add new functionalities to their designs.

Webflow: Code Export and Integrated Code Editor

Webflow offers code export functionality, allowing users to export their website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and assets directly from the designer. This feature is useful for backing up code, sharing it with clients, or hosting it elsewhere. Webflow also provides an integrated code editor, enabling developers to create and implement code components directly within the platform.

Collaboration and Versioning

Framer: Real-Time Collaboration and Commenting

Framer enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple designers to work collaboratively on a design simultaneously. The platform also supports commenting and feedback directly on the canvas, making it easy for designers and developers to communicate and iterate on their designs.

Webflow: Collaboration in Webflow Designer and Version History

Webflow offers collaboration features within its designer interface. Multiple team members can work simultaneously, with one member in "Design mode" making changes to the design or structure of the site, while others work in "Edit mode" focusing on updating the contents of the website. Webflow also automatically creates site backups and offers version history for easy rollback to previous versions.

Accessibility and SEO

Framer: Accessibility Considerations and SEO Implications for Prototypes

Framer provides an accessibility panel equipped with tools to enhance accessibility for website visitors. Designers can add frame tags, and ALT text for images, and ensure appropriate contrast ratios. While Framer was originally built as a prototyping tool, it offers features such as semantic and frame tags to structure pages and optimize loading times, ensuring a positive user experience. 

Webflow: Accessibility Features and SEO Tools

Webflow offers built-in accessibility controls, including alt text attributes, relative units for legible and responsive typography, and HTML5 tags for accurate communication with assistive technology. The platform also provides a range of SEO tools, allowing users to edit page titles, URLs, meta descriptions, and more. Webflow's scalable hosting solutions ensure fast loading times for websites, positively impacting SEO performance.

Use Cases for Framer and Webflow

To determine which platform is best suited for your needs, consider their use cases and target audiences.

Webflow: Marketing Websites, Online Portfolios, Blogs, and E-commerce

Webflow is an excellent choice for businesses looking to create marketing websites that are visually appealing and optimized for conversions. The platform offers a wide range of design capabilities and integrates with popular marketing tools, such as email marketing and social media platforms. Webflow is also suitable for creating online portfolios and blogs, with its built-in CMS providing easy content management. Additionally, Webflow offers specific features for building and managing e-commerce websites, including customizable product pages, inventory management, and payment processing integrations.

Framer: Smaller website projects, User Testing, and Landing Pages

Framer is a younger platform than webflow which means it’s still growing and in development. It’s still in its early stages. However, these aren’t the reasons to write off Framer. If you need to spin up a smaller website project, conduct user testing, or build an effective Landing Page, framer might be your choice. Sometimes you just don’t need the large-scale scalability that larger platforms like webflow offer. This is why Framer might be the right tool for you. 

Learning Curve and Customer Support

Learning Curve: Webflow vs Framer

Webflow offers a user-friendly interface that caters to both designers and developers (more so developers than designers). While some coding knowledge can be beneficial for advanced customization, Webflow's drag-and-drop builder allows users to create websites without extensive coding skills. Due to Webflow having more features and being a larger platform, it does have a steeper learning curve than Framer. 

Customer Support: Webflow vs Framer

Webflow provides email support and a community forum where users can seek assistance and find answers to their questions. The platform also offers Webflow University, a free educational resource with videos and written lessons. Framer offers ticket-based support, a dedicated Discord community for project support, and email support for account-related inquiries. With both platforms, it's important to note that customer support is not available 24/7.

Pricing Comparison

Webflow Pricing: Site Plans and Workspace Plans

Webflow offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs. Site plans are designed for individuals and businesses looking to launch websites on custom domains. The plans include Basic, CMS, Business, and Enterprise, with varying features and pricing. Workspace plans are suitable for collaboration and unhosted sites, with options for in-house teams and freelancers/agencies. Webflow also offers eCommerce plans for building and managing online stores.

Webflow vs Framer: Pricing Plans Comparison
Webflow Site Plans as of 11/27/2023
Webflow vs. Framer: Pricing Plans Comparison
Webflow E-Commerce Plans As Of: 11/27/2023
Webflow vs. Framer: Workspace Pricing Plans Comparison
Webflow Workspace Pricing Plans for in-house teams as of: 11/27/2023
Webflow vs. Framer: Workspace Plans For Freelancers & Agencies
Webflow Workspace Plans For Freelancers & Agencies As Of: 11/27/2023

Learn more at

Framer Pricing: Site Plans and Business Plans

Framer offers free and paid plans for both site builders and businesses. The free plan provides limited features and hosting on the Framer domain. Site plans include Free, Mini, Basic, Pro, and Enterprise, with increasing monthly visitor allowances. Similarly to Webflow, Framer is also offering Workspace pricing plans: Free, Basic, Pro & Enterprise.

Framer vs. Webflow Pricing Plans Comparison
Framer Site Pricing at: 11/27/2023
Framer vs. Webflow: Framer Workspace Pricing Plans Compared To Webflow Workspace Pricing Plans
Framer Workspace Pricing Plans as of: 11/27/2023

Learn more at:

Pros and Cons of Framer and Webflow

When considering Framer and Webflow, it's essential to weigh their pros and cons to make an informed decision.

Framer Pros and Cons


  • Intuitive design interface
  • Ideal if you come from a design background
  • Ideal if you don’t have coding knowledge
  • Multiple people can design at a same time
  • No Page limits & GDPR compliance


  • Limited integrations and resources
  • Limited templates for kick-starting projects
  • Prototype-based tool, not a functional website builder

Webflow Pros and Cons


  • No-code design with customization options
  • Versatile for a wide range of projects
  • Built-in CMS for content management
  • Extensive integrations and templates
  • SEO-friendly features and scalable hosting solutions
  • Robust platform
  • Load speeds


  • The learning curve
  • Higher pricing compared to other hosting platforms
  • Limited live customer support, reliance on community resources

Conclusion: Choosing Between Framer and Webflow

In conclusion, Framer and Webflow are powerful no-code website builders, each with its strengths and use cases. Webflow is an excellent choice for creating visually appealing marketing websites, online portfolios, blogs, and e-commerce sites. With its drag-and-drop builder and extensive integrations, Webflow empowers designers and developers to customize their websites with ease.

Framer, on the other hand, excels in design-focused websites & landing pages. With its animation and interactive component capabilities, Framer allows designers to bring their designs to life and gather valuable feedback from users.

Ultimately, the choice between Framer and Webflow depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as design capabilities, development tools, collaboration features, accessibility and SEO considerations, learning curve, customer support, and pricing when making your decision. Both Framer and Webflow offer free plans, allowing you to explore and test the platforms before committing to a paid plan.

FAQ: Webflow vs. Framer

Q: What are the key differences between Framer and Webflow in terms of their target users?

A:  Framer caters well to designers who prefer an intuitive design interface and come from a design-centric background. Webflow, on the other hand, suits individuals with a stronger inclination toward development and coding skills.

Q: Which platform is more suitable for those without coding knowledge?
A: Framer is more user-friendly for individuals without coding knowledge due to its intuitive design interface, making it an ideal choice for designers stepping into web creation.

Q: In terms of design capabilities, how does Framer stand out compared to Webflow?

A: Framer shines in its advanced animation and interactive component capabilities, allowing designers to create dynamic animations triggered by user interactions, while Webflow offers a visual CSS grid and responsive design tools, focusing on creating layouts for various screen sizes.

Q: Are there any limitations in terms of resources or integrations with Framer and Webflow?

A: Framer has comparatively limited integrations and resources, along with fewer templates to kick-start projects. Webflow, however, offers extensive integrations and a wider range of templates for project initiation.

Q: Which platform is better suited for smaller website projects or user testing purposes?

A: Framer might be preferable for smaller website projects, user testing, or building landing pages due to its agility and focus on specific design functionalities.

Q: What distinguishes Webflow's customer support from Framer's?

A: Webflow provides email support, a community forum, and Webflow University, whereas Framer offers ticket-based support, a dedicated Discord community, and email support for account-related inquiries.

Q: How do Framer and Webflow differ in terms of pricing plans?

A: Both platforms offer free plans along with tiered paid plans based on features and visitor allowances. Webflow's pricing is structured around site plans and workspace plans, while Framer has similar site and workspace pricing tiers.

Q: Which platform offers better SEO tools and features for website optimization?

A: Webflow provides robust SEO tools for editing page titles, URLs, meta descriptions, and scalable hosting solutions, while Framer also includes accessibility considerations and semantic tags to enhance user experience and loading times.

Q: What types of websites are best suited for creation using Webflow?

A: Webflow is suitable for marketing websites, online portfolios, blogs, and e-commerce due to its extensive design capabilities, CMS integration, and compatibility with marketing tools.

Q: Ultimately, how can one decide between Framer and Webflow for their website-building needs?

A: The decision boils down to specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include design capabilities, development tools, collaboration features, SEO considerations, learning curve, customer support, and pricing. Both platforms offer free plans, allowing users to test and explore before committing to a paid plan.

Q: How can I contact you for further consultation?

A: Feel free to reach out to me directly at:

Q: What platforms do you develop websites in? 

A: I support various platforms such as webflow, Shopify & framer. It really depends on the needs of a specific project and what technology is going to be used. Feel free to reach out.

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Framer vs. Webflow
Framer or Webflow
Webflow development for enterprises
No-Code Tools
Optimize Webflow with No-Code tools
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Zlatko Marjanovic
Zlatko Marjanovic

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