From Small-Town Dreamer to NYC : How Bold Fellowship 2022 Transformed My Entrepreneurial Journey!

From Small-Town Dreamer to NYC : How Bold Fellowship 2022 Transformed My Entrepreneurial Journey!
Zlatko Marjanovic
February 15, 2024
From Small-Town Dreamer to NYC : How Bold Fellowship 2022 Transformed My Entrepreneurial Journey!

Humor aside, after my experiences accumulated, I felt inspired to compose an article relating to a recent journey to NYC and Buffalo. This centers on the 'Entrepreneurship Boot Camp Program' I partook in, called the BOLD Fellowship - a program of critical significance for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The BOLD Fellowship is an intensive, all-encompassing academic initiative where fellows, comprising students and young professionals, undertake a rigorous two-week 'business idea development' course. Upon its culmination, they present their novel start-up ideas at the esteemed University of Buffalo. Funded by the State Department and executed by Network 20/20 - a commendable foreign policy community organization - the program is truly a unique learning opportunity.

Our learning experience unfolded within the walls of the Experian Learning Network (ELN), a vibrant hub for academia and entrepreneurship. Here, we worked intimately with various influential entrepreneurial and academic figures. So, aside from engaging with distinguished professors at the University at Buffalo, we availed of 'online business networking opportunities' with some of New York's most innovative entrepreneurs. This provided us with unparalleled insights and practical knowledge, essential for 'scaling business ideas in boot camps', and further honing our own business concepts.

Zlatko Marjanovic presenting business model at UB during Bold Fellowship Program

Zlatko Marjanovic engaging with students at University at Buffalo during Bold Fellowship Program

Although the program didn't specifically teach Webflow, my self-driven learning combined with the business concepts learned during the Fellowship have proven invaluable. I am now proficient in 'utilizing Webflow for business enhancement', which I apply to my clients' businesses to boost their success.

Regardless of the size or nature of the business - whether they are in the 'startup space', 'mid-large enterprises', or well-known brands - I am able to provide tailored solutions. Through the lens of my enriched experiences and newly gained insights, I can offer them practical and effective strategies that are specially designed to catalyze their growth and success.

Not limited to the physical world, I have also been implementing these skills in the realm of 'online business growth strategies'. The practical knowledge gained from my journey can now be leveraged to help them thrive in the digital marketplace.

All the insights and skills I acquired from this enriching trip and overall experience continue to add value to my work, and more importantly, to my clients and their businesses. As I continue to grow and learn, I am excited about the profound impact these can have on their success.

The BOLD Fellowship serves as a bridge of camaraderie and collaboration between the USA and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It strategically connects our diaspora and interested Americans with ambitious young professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The core purpose is to cement relationships that will, in the long run, bolster 'sustainable development support', empower STEM education, and be a catalyst for 'creating new jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina'. Ultimately, the initiative contributes to 'economic strengthening through international relations'.

Venturing to New York and engaging with the incredible individuals from both Bosnia and Herzegovina and the USA has granted me a fresh perspective on work, entrepreneurship, and the intrinsic 'value of international business relationships'. These experiences and insights will serve as a valuable resource throughout my life, and I aspire to share this wealth of knowledge with others.

With immense pleasure, honor, and a sense of responsibility, I am thrilled to announce that my business idea received top honors, emerging as the '#1 best business idea' in its respective category.

Although 2022 has had its fair share of highs and lows, we remain resolute. Despite all the hurdles, we continue to stride confidently towards fresh triumphs, firmly committed to 'overcoming challenges in 2022' and 'building a better future for youth'. So, keep an eye on this space for more exciting updates!

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Webflow for Business
Business model innovation for startups
Brand building essentials
Adapting enterprise operations
Startup challenges in a competitive market
Zlatko Marjanovic
Zlatko Marjanovic

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